Cruel Reality

I’d keep wishing life was like before. Before the complications came to surface. Back when I was but a child, protected from all the hurt this world could offer. Some truths may slip by the holes of the imperfect protection. And my eyes are wide open but my heart was taught to believe in good….


Would you dare defy the odds? Would you dare disturb the flow of this universe? Do the impossible at least in your own little way? And if you had the chance to, would you cease the moment? I recalled a scene from the movie, “A Walk To Remember”, when Landon showed Jamie how she could…


Lola, You were almost another year older, Three quarters of a centennial, Thirty days more to your seventy-sixth. But it’s not the birthdays we wait for, It’s the people we love we long for. You lived your days where people remembered How you lent your loving hands not only to your own. You may not…


We’ve had lots of pets in the past & it saddens me everytime someone passes away. But the one that has marked its paws deep in my heart goes out to Blue. Any pet owner would probably claim that their furry friend is the best pet in the world. In this case, I nominate my…


What if we seize this moment? Put down our phones, detach from the world of social media, and start interacting with each other. For this moment let’s just talk. You, me, us, this world, the universe.Let’s laugh at each other’s past stupidity, share each other’s weirdness with no judgement, and I don’t mind your tears…