Cruel Reality

I’d keep wishing life was like before. Before the complications came to surface. Back when I was but a child, protected from all the hurt this world could offer. Some truths may slip by the holes of the imperfect protection. And my eyes are wide open but my heart was taught to believe in good….

Exploring Abrantes

All photos are taken by me. With the smart car’s terrible cooling system, I’m glad it’s already winter because the heater warms the car far better than it cools it. I like the feel of towns that had preserved character from past generations. A picture is worth a thousand words you say? Well, it can’t…

Flight School

All photos are captured by me. After a lot of delays with regards to my visa & medical certificate, the right time has finally arrived. Goodbye Dubai & Hello Portugal! This is my base for the duration of my training. About 2 hours away north east of Lisbon, you’ll find a small town called Ponte…

Shooting Star

  I am but a moment in time, fleeting in space, dodging erase. I’ll take this chance & shoot for the stars. I’ll be meek & let the universe speak. Pieces of time stitched together— This is our life; but most times we remember only perfect weather. So why do you wait for the shooting…


If I saw the world in plain black and white, this view would just be people walking about. Just another busy scene of a normal monday. It’ll be like a 2D drawing with no depth or curves. It’ll be an outline of a picture with no colours of distinction. Bottom line is, shallow, unimaginative thinking…